AmScope 4X Plan Achromatic Compound Microscope Objective Lens

This is a 4X plan-achromatic objective lens for DIN-standard microscopes. Intended primarily for biological applications, it is designed to work with microscopes using 160mm tube-length and 45mm parfocal distance. Achromatic correction provides improved color accuracy and resolution, and plan field correction improves flatness for edge-to-edge sharpness.

Optical System Finite
Mechanical Tube Length 160mm
Mounting Thread RMS 20.32mm
Parfocal Distance 45mm
Lens Specifications
Magnification 4X
Numerical Aperture 0.10
Corrections Plan-achromatic
Cover-glass Thickness —
Nosecone Fixed
Immersion Medium None
Working Distance 15.56mm

AmScope 4X Plan Achromatic Compound Microscope Objective Lens